Treating Plaque Psoriasis Nails: Tips And Strategies For Healthier Nails

Treating Plaque Psoriasis Nails: Tips And Strategies For Healthier Nails

Nail psoriasis, common in individuals with plaque psoriasis, presents as nail discoloration, pitting, separation, and nail bed buildup. Treatment includes biologics, methotrexate, acitretin, cyclosporine, and apremilast to clear skin and nails. Nail infections are also addressed, with dermatologists monitoring for signs and providing necessary treatment. Managing nail psoriasis can be challenging, requiring consistent treatment adherence and nail care practices. Early detection through dermatology appointments is crucial to prevent worsening symptoms and potential complications like psoriatic arthritis. Effective treatment can alleviate discomfort, improve nail health, and enhance the overall quality of life for individuals with nail psoriasis.

Why Do My Nails Grow So Fast? Is It Normal?

Why Do My Nails Grow So Fast? Is It Normal?

Your nails grow quickly due to a combination of genetics, age, nutrition, blood circulation, and overall health. Fingernails grow about 3.5 millimeters per month on average. Fast nail growth is usually a sign of good health, but exceptionally fast growth could indicate an underlying condition. Factors like location (dominant hand), hormones, and trauma can also affect growth rate. If you notice unusual changes like discoloration or thickening, consult a doctor. Maintain a balanced diet rich in nail-healthy nutrients, keep nails trimmed and moisturized, and avoid excessive trauma to promote optimal nail growth.

How Does Apple Cider Vinegar For Nail Fungus Work?

How Does Apple Cider Vinegar For Nail Fungus Work?

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is believed to combat nail fungus due to its acidic properties, which create an inhospitable environment for fungal growth. ACV’s acetic acid may help to kill fungi and bacteria, while its antifungal properties may aid in inhibiting their spread. Additionally, ACV’s natural pH balance may restore the nail’s acidity, further thwarting fungal growth. Regular application of diluted ACV to affected nails can potentially reduce nail fungus over time.